Get IRAC Numbers

Within SSD Processing, after the WG8 Chair, the WG7 chair, or the SRB Engineer are finished reviewing a certification request, the SPS Secretary should enter the Certification Tracking numbers from IRACNET.

  1. Click on a SSD Processing: Get Nums for Cert from IRACNET task in the My Tasks table.
  2. Enter the following Certification Numbers for this certification request from IRACNET.
    • Approved SPS Number indicating a certification request that has been approved by NTIA
    • IRAC Number used by the Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee to track certification requests and other documents
    • ERP Number assigned by the Emergency Planning Subcommitte to indicate the Emergency Readiness Plan associated with this request
    Certification Number Fields for IRACNET
  3. Click on the Complete Button button in the top left corner to send the request on to the SPS Chair or Vice Chair for review.